When it matters, capability does count


Tactical Alert Force does not employ anyone with minimal qualifications or experience, and we demand that our officers have, or soon acquire, far more than the typical qualifications.
We take quality security professionals and further develop them into officers who are skilled and capable in first response to all types of emergencies; protective, fire, rescue, medical and even hazardous material incidents, including all of the much-feared chemical, biological and nuclear terrorism weapons. Moreover, we expect, and hold them accountable for, performance of their routine duties with courtesy and class. If you want more than a body in a shirt with a patch on it, and even much more than typical armed guards, read on.

Many private security agencies offer mostly (or only) unarmed and essentially unskilled uniformed guards, primarily as eyewash for the public (to instill some “sense” of security) or merely to satisfy an insurance requirement. They don’t expect much of those people, and their clients usually don’t get much. In fact, such security people often actually introduce new risks to the environment in which they are stationed. It comes as no surprise that such cheesy security provisions garner little respect from the threat elements at large and little appreciation from either employees or the public. It’s awfully hard to understand why clients pay for that, when for about the same cost, they could have real protection.

At Tactical Alert Force we say, “don’t pay more, get more” SM.